So your looking good in your weave and all that but do you ever wonder where it comes from? Well according to a personal journey for the truth, British pop star Jamelia said:
Hair Extensions (weaves) come from
1. Religious sacrifices
2. Two-year old girls to Adult women
3. Dead people
4. Woman who need the money
Yes that’s right I said it Dead people. If you do not believe me read on.
Starting off in a Hindu temple in Chennai, India, Jamelia said she was horrified as she seen a two-year old girl with long dark black hair getting her head shaved. The young girl was screaming as the clippers were buzzing, terrified and did not know what was going on. Her mother was also getting her head shaved. The reason? A religious sacrifice to a Hindu god as thanks for her child’s recovery from an illness. After wards the hair is casually tossed into a bin like garbage but it will never be thrown away if you haven’t realized. These people are not aware that their hair will be sold to hair dealers and then shipped around the world. So what is this practice? Worshiping other gods and what does the bible say about that? Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
No matter how you look at or try to change the context the hair was cut for one purpose and that purpose was to worship another god which is a sin but lets continue..Next Jemelia said a friend told her she heard earlier in the year that the hair used in extensions (weaves) could be taken from dead people. She was horrified. Jamelia said how did she know she was not wearing some dead person’s hair? Did the deceased agree to give their hair away before they died or did the guy at the morgue just take the hair without the family’s knowledge. Bet your thinking twice about the hair on your head now.
So Jamelia traveled to a remote area hours from Moscow, Russia where she met up with a hair dealer named Alexander. Alexander said the hair he received came from collectors who went around small villages and towns persuading women and their daughters to sell their hair. Jamelia then asked Alexander if he got hair from dead people. He then got cautious and tried to avoid the question! But she pressed him and he finally confessed that he was not sure where the hair he was buying came from. Hmm enough said.
Woman have been conditioned to believe that their natural hair is ugly and true beauty is having long straight hair like the super models on the runway, the actresses on television, or in the Hollywood movies and as a result neglected the hair the Creator gave them for a reason. Some women say its for self confidence but how can you get self confidence from something that’s not naturally yours? Who decided that long straight hair would be more superior than the hair you were born with? Who decided that long straight hair looked good on you? The people around you and the media! Women have wanted to be like the movie stars and singers for years, idolizing them (which is yet another sin Leviticus 19:4, 26:11) and these women have came to the conclusion that they are less beautiful unless they spend $200 or more on some hair that might not even last them a month. Buying hair that could have came from a dead person, you need to wake up and un-program your self!!
If your saying to I don’t care “I Look good” your lying to yourself and have been hypnotized to believe this is beauty when it is not. Let me ask you something. Do you believe in The Most High? Do you care what he thinks or how he looks at you when your so focused on looking good that it leads to vanity? There are plenty of black women who have truly beautiful natural hair and if you don’t believe me google and youtube it! Your hair will grow. “Black people’s hair does not grow” is a myth. The reason it does not grow is because of the chemicals you put in it. Like perming it not even aware that the chemicals in the perm are the cause of baldness, chemical burns, broken ends, uses the same chemicals found in bleach, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners etc. and you wonder why your hair is not growing. And do not even say you cannot manage your hair! Its not impossible to take care of it if you know how! Learn and step away from the “being like everybody else” circle and become an individual!
So Jamelia traveled to a remote area hours from Moscow, Russia where she met up with a hair dealer named Alexander. Alexander said the hair he received came from collectors who went around small villages and towns persuading women and their daughters to sell their hair. Jamelia then asked Alexander if he got hair from dead people. He then got cautious and tried to avoid the question! But she pressed him and he finally confessed that he was not sure where the hair he was buying came from. Hmm enough said.
Woman have been conditioned to believe that their natural hair is ugly and true beauty is having long straight hair like the super models on the runway, the actresses on television, or in the Hollywood movies and as a result neglected the hair the Creator gave them for a reason. Some women say its for self confidence but how can you get self confidence from something that’s not naturally yours? Who decided that long straight hair would be more superior than the hair you were born with? Who decided that long straight hair looked good on you? The people around you and the media! Women have wanted to be like the movie stars and singers for years, idolizing them (which is yet another sin Leviticus 19:4, 26:11) and these women have came to the conclusion that they are less beautiful unless they spend $200 or more on some hair that might not even last them a month. Buying hair that could have came from a dead person, you need to wake up and un-program your self!!
If your saying to I don’t care “I Look good” your lying to yourself and have been hypnotized to believe this is beauty when it is not. Let me ask you something. Do you believe in The Most High? Do you care what he thinks or how he looks at you when your so focused on looking good that it leads to vanity? There are plenty of black women who have truly beautiful natural hair and if you don’t believe me google and youtube it! Your hair will grow. “Black people’s hair does not grow” is a myth. The reason it does not grow is because of the chemicals you put in it. Like perming it not even aware that the chemicals in the perm are the cause of baldness, chemical burns, broken ends, uses the same chemicals found in bleach, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, toilet cleaners etc. and you wonder why your hair is not growing. And do not even say you cannot manage your hair! Its not impossible to take care of it if you know how! Learn and step away from the “being like everybody else” circle and become an individual!
3 Responses to "HAIR WEAVES COME FROM DEAD PEOPLE?"October 30, 2014 at 8:26 PM
Thank you for speaking the truth. Good bless you. May God bless you with all your hearts desires!
July 14, 2017 at 5:14 AM
Awesome information,really very helpful blog,thanks for sharing.
Indian Hair Extensions
July 11, 2021 at 3:45 AM
That one is so amaizing. Continue teaching us
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